Sunday, July 29, 2007

Post-Ride Stats and Thoughts

At HOME in Tabernash, CO: 0 miles (hee hee!)

Well, we made it home safely! Nissa and Bill picked us up at the airport and we had a lovely first night back home. How fun to sleep in our own bed! How great to be able to wear some different clothes! We may have a ceremonial burning of some of the clothes from our trip--they have been worn and washed so many times, and quite a few will never be the same...

Here are some trip stats for those who need data:

# Dollars Raised to date for Bikes not Bombs: $2,561 (you can still donate if you want to)
# of Miles Ridden: 3,612
# of Hours on the Bikes: About 300
# of Pedal Revolutions: Almost 1.3 Million!
# of days on the road: 66
# of day off (while on the trip): 6
# of days our butts hurt: 60 (you do the math)
# of pounds lost (Traci): About 11 (don't know how much muscle I built but that's how it shook out on the scale)
# of pounds gained (David): About 3 (and in spite of the daily ice cream, it was all muscle!)
# of sag support days (when we rode without our gear): 1 (Day 1--thanks, Maggie and Jim!)
# of Host Families: 9 (Maggie & Jim; Larry and Dawn; James & Patrice; Dirk & Jan; John Beltman & Terry O'Brien (and Jenny B. and Amy); Cathy & Glen Snider; Delaine from the Poplar Hotel; Cindy & Randy Elcan; Cliff and Jane Ives & Bonnie Marden (and Mindy & Russell))
# of Hills: Innumerable
# of Good Downhills: About 10
# of Headwind/Crosswind days: About 18
# of Tailwind Days: About 10
# of Days with negligable wind: About 38
# Rainy Days: About 12
# Days Camping: About 15
# Flats: About 16
# Cushy Nights in Great hotels: 5
# Life Threatening Storms missed: 1
# of Bike Paths Available and Used: 5

My main take-away from this trip was something I saw on a sign outside a church along the way: "GOD'S GIFTS COME WRAPPED IN PEOPLE."

Wow! How true! I think I saw this about 2 weeks before our trip ended, but it really summed up my feelings about people that came out during this trip. We met so many wonderful people, and were supported by so many wonderful people, and it was just a fantastic gift all the way around! Here are some of God's Gifts that I'm thankful for today:

* Raising money for a good cause while having fun (and please remember to donate if you wanted to and didn't yet: the link is
* Having a safe journey
* So many friendly questions and interest from others at almost every place we stopped
* So many wishes for "safe travel" from everyone we came in contact with--whether it was in a store or restaurant or one of our good friends or family
* Trying to make a small difference, and receiving gifts a thousand-fold in return
* Getting a different perspective
* Experiencing the world slowly for a change
* Spending about 70 days one-on-one with your spouse--and learning things about each other even after 17 3/4 years of marriage!
* Still liking and loving (and even admiring) your spouse after spending about 70 days together!
* Having my own personal bike mechanic along for the trip
* Having Jeremy Meador as our fantastic house-sitter and knowing that we didn't have to worry one moment about the home front
* Having Karen Conger as our business sitter and knowing things were in capable hands
* Having Judy Free and Jen Maddox taking care of the work front with almost no help from me (makes you think twice about whether you're indispensable)
* Being able to make it even after the broken leg and lack of training! Maybe that's due in part to my stubborn-ness!
* Journaling--something I haven't done very much of before, and something I want to keep up because it's helpful both in validating what's going on and reflecting and learning. Try it!
* The prospect of a massage and haircut this week!
* Being able to make a difference in people's lives--and letting them make a difference in ours
* Challenging peoples' thinking about who can do this kind of thing--and what they might want to do that's a stretch

Although this was quite an adventure for us, please consider what kind of adventure you want to have. It could be something like cycling across America, or it could be something like learning a new language or making a career change. You get to define it--but it's important to take some steps toward achieving it! What is the adventure for you? Tell someone today and get started!

And finally, some thoughts about making a difference. Bikes Not Bombs is about promoting peace and social justice through a slightly unusual avenue--alternative transportation. This really hits home for me and David at a time when the USA is not perceived as doing well in either of these areas. Having worked for the defense of our nation for years, we totally support being strong. But we do not support being bullies--and believe that being a "superpower" and a "superbully" are two very different things. We hope our efforts may in some small way help support healthy dialogue and bolstering those in need, and especially working out our differences peacefully rather than aggressively.

Please consider how you might make a difference that is important to YOU. Whether that is in your grocery store parking lot, at the soccer field, at work, or on the world stage--you have power to change the world for the better.

So get on your figurative bikes and ride--and much success to you in reaching your goals! Thanks for being part of our journey!


Anonymous said...

As the Jedi Master Yoda said, "Do or do not. There is no try." What a great story...I will buy the book! Karen Holcomb

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Traci and David thank you for an exciting summer. We are happy that you are home safe. Can't wait to see the rest of of your pictures!