Today started with a lot more concern about our route. We realized that our first-hand experience and that of people we talked to is much better than the advice we got from non-cyclists. The motorcyclists were especially helpful because they have more of a clue what we're going through on the roads.
We had a wonderful breakfast and retrieved our bikes from the shed in order to pack--and got started a bit late. I'm happy to report that the situation on the road was much better without rain. We still had the tiny shoulder and gravel, but we felt better with less traffic and more visibility. So the first 20 miles or so was uneventful!
At Iron Bridge, we saw a couple of cyclists loaded with gear at a hotel. We stopped to ask them about their route. They were going from East to West Canada, and the one guy (Will) is riding to raise funds for MS--a great cause! It made me think of our several friends in CO who have MS! If this guy has his way, he will find the cause this summer! They gave us good scoop about the route. The thing I noticed about these two 20-something guys was the stuff they had. Both were on mountain bikes and both had little trailers with them. One of them had a guitar with him! He had metal signs all over his trailer, and who knows what heavy stuff inside! It was crazy (from a 45-year-old woman's standpoint). Oh, the passion and energy of youth! Will is from the Kingston area and invited us to stay at a hippie commune sheep farm if we make it down that way--and we certainly will if we do! That's a do-not-miss experience, and if everyone is as nice as Will, we would certainly have a wonderful time there.
We had lunch in Blind River at Olive's Pasta and Sub Shack. What nice folks! Good gyros too. Then we stopped at the Ontario Governmnet Information Service to talk with them about our route. They were wonderfully helpful and nice, and helped us plan a safer route for bicycles that hopefully goes through flatter terrain! So we're changing our course. We'll head south on Rt. 6 over to Manatoulin Island and then will take a ferry to Central Ontario. We'll go across that part of Ontario north of Toronto and hope to still cut into NY in the northern part of the state. We'll let you know. And hopefully this route will keep us alive!
We continued through some of Canada's "First Nation" territory--that's what they call their indigenous folks! And I found the town of Missasauga--which reminded me of the Fraser Valley Elementary school singers who I accompanied on a crazy song about Missasauga rattlesnakes! I was thinking about that song for the rest of the day!
The other interesting thing we saw today was a couple of German women riding from east to west! They must have been in their 20's also, because the one in front was bringing a GOLDEN RETRIEVER along in a huge kennel! It was hilarious looking (and probably about 75 pounds of dog and kennel. The dog was completely relaxed and happy with his head hanging out on a pillow. The woman looked exhausted! Her friend also had a trailer filled to bursting with stuff. Makes me happy to have to do laundry every three days...
At about 60 miles, I was looking for a place to stop--either a campground or hotel! We did stop for a quick snack a picnic area and got to know some of the local mosquitos! From then on, I was looking for a motel.
We found one in Spanish--Vance's Motor Inn. We had some fantastic walleye for dinner and will chart our new course tomorrow!
The placemat at the restaurant had interesting tidbits of info and here's something I though was interesting about the USA from the Canadian perspective: and very fitting right around the 4th of July:
America's Glory: Whether or not Americans have big heads, or perhaps big hearts, is not really the issue at hand. Americans have a deep pride...but they also have fears. Their backs are strong from working long and hard. The truth is they sometimes forget their greatest strength comes from when they bend their knee to be thankful they are free. IF ever this trust is broken; then what they believe in doesn't exist.
I'm more thankful than ever that we are free in our country! How about you???
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