I am writing from a nearly comatose state because I have just had a wonderful massage! David is enjoying his right now and we are very happy to have some of these sore muscles worked out!
We got our massages from Suzanne Guibert (who you can reach at http://www.solsticewellbeing.com, and we found her in the most interesting way! Last night at the campground, there was a group of high school kids having a camping outing (and I think maybe going to the theme park). Anyway, a group of the guys left a brochure for massage on David's clothes in the shower room. They must have thought it was a joke because it had a picture of a "NAKED" back with hands massaging it! David brought the brochure back to the campsite and we called immediately! It turns out that Suzanne used to be a Grand County local--or ski bum as she calls it! She lived there during the ski season for a year. So it was a serendipitous turn of events that she had some massage time available today.
As you might imagine, we were very motivated to get to Sandpoint! It was a short ride on an unfortunately busy road, but we connected with one more bike path along the way. And we got lucky with the weather--very cloudy and about 75 degrees--much better than the last three days for cycling! We did experience our first humidity of the trip today, but it wasn't too bad.
Sandpoint is a beautiful place--situated on Lake Pend Orielle, the largest lake in Idaho. There is a 2-mile bridge to get here, and there is a wide pedestrian/bike road on the side. I think it must have been the old bridge! There is also a very long train bridge and we happened by as a train was moving through. Neat!

This is a really nice town--think Grand Lake on steroids. We have managed to get all our errands completed and there are some very nice stores here. A fun and beautiful place to spend the night, and I understand that in the summer they have great concerts. We're a little early for that season, but it's great anyway. We hear that some of the organized rides across the country have already come through town, so we hope to see some other cyclists in the next few days who are doing the same thing we are!
Suzanne and her husband Chris have made us realize that the people in Idaho are also wonderful folks! They don't realize that we may have to spend the night because we will be unable to walk back to our hotel...
Thanks for the updates. All of us at Pax are keeping track of your amazing journey. Love you both!
How's the weather? We tried to call to check on you when we got a bad weather report for your part of the country!! Can you believe that Derek and Morgan will be teenagers tomorrow??? They will be ready for a bike ride soon!!! It is officially summer vactaion here--Natalie, Derek and Morgan are out of school. Lauren is still working on her last paper to finish her semester. We all hope to meet up with you somewhere on this trip!!!
You both are such an inspiration! LOVE catching up with you and your journey via the blogs to see where this amazing adventure is taking you next. All is well in Pax River. Judy/Jen and all have had a busy week. BTW business plan in work (:> Robin
I apologize for not sending out your trip info to the Meisters until now. The descriptions of your trip are fantastic Traci. Even if I seem to come across the term "Hamburger Butt" quite a lot. What an adventure.--Jeff
Hey Dave and Traci, Love the updates. I look forward to seeing all your pics on this great adventure.
All is well here. The boys' last day of school is today. Bryan has a job and is driving (gulp) Kevin is looking forward to playing the guitar and sleeping all summer. Ella turns 3 on Sunday which I can't believe.
take care
love ya
Hi Traci and Dave,
Just got an e-mail from SM with the link to your blogsite. What a journey you've undertaken! I'm sending the info on to our Gainesville Cycling Club in FL (~600 members), so they can join in our your trip by reading the blog, and, who knows, some of them may find you on the road.
Happy Safe Trails, Marty
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